It is no longer possible to access this resource because it uses 'Adobe Flash'


LGfL has built up an extensive portfolio of online learning resources since 2002. All resources appearing in the portfolio have undergone a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure that they are effective and relevant resources for schools to use. However, in recent years, changes to the National Curriculum and online browser technologies have impacted on some of the resources and their suitability for all schools.

After 31 December 2020, Adobe will no longer be supporting Adobe Flash and from the 12 January 2021 Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player. As a result, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems to help ensure users’ systems remain secure. Flash Player will remain on a user’s system unless it is uninstalled manually.

Are there alternatives to this resource?

Switched on Science is a flexible and creative investigation-based programme with a clear focus on working scientifically – a core assessable element of the new science curriculum. It is packed with best-practice CPD videos and supportive lessons to ensure every teacher can deliver the new Programme of Study with confidence.

The package comes with all the additional resources teachers need to teach the entire Science curriculum, ranging from a video for each unit, teacher guide, interactive exercises, pupil workbooks, ideas for differentiation, and much more.

Why is Flash Player no longer supported?

The decision to end support for Flash Player was made by Adobe due to the decreased usage of the technology and the availability of better, more secure options such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly.

What does Flash Player End Of Life mean?

Adobe does not intend to issue Flash Player updates or security patches. Therefore, Adobe will continue to prompt users to uninstall Flash Player and strongly recommends that all users immediately uninstall Flash Player.

To help secure users’ systems, Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning 12 January 2021.

Why have LGfL Flash resources not been converted into formats that work on modern browsers?

Where possible, we have worked with publishers to either redevelop older resources or commission new resources. In most cases, the costs associated with such re-development have been uneconomic for both LGfL and its publishers and therefore have unfortunately not been commissioned.

If I find Flash Player available for download on a third-party website, should I use it?

No. These versions of Flash Player are not authorised by Adobe. Users should not use unauthorised versions of Flash Player. Unauthorised downloads are a common source of malware and viruses.